Pennsylvania Auto Insurance: Limited vs. Full Tort


Every state has different rules and regulations when it comes to automobile insurance. While some states are considered no-fault, assigning no blame when it comes to paying medical bills for injured parties, other states have rules that govern your ability to sue for damages. These states, including Pennsylvania, usually offer limited or full tort options. Whether obtaining an auto insurance quote in Harrisburg, or in any other area of the state, it is very important that you understand which option you are choosing.

Pennsylvania’s Limited Tort Option

Under Pennsylvania law, choosing a limited tort automobile insurance policy will limit your right to sue for anything other than monetary losses due to your involvement in an automobile accident. If you, your spouse, or your children are injured you will only be able to sue for compensation as it relates to your medical bills, loss of wages, or anything that can be assigned real financial value.

You cannot usually sue for pain and suffering if you have chosen the limited tort option. The only people with limited tort who can sue for anything other than monetary damages are those who are considered to be seriously injured. State law defines a serious injury as a permanent disability, permanent disfigurement, or death. When you choose limited tort on your Harrisburg auto insurance quote you will find that the premium is much lower than a full tort policy.

Pennsylvania’s Full Tort Option

The full tort option has no limitations guiding what you can sue for. You can work with your lawyer and file a claim for any damages or losses you feel you have incurred. You may not necessarily be awarded these damages but you have the right to file the claim.

Why Choose Full Tort?

Most Harrisburg auto insurance quotes will give you an option to choose full tort or limited tort and will let you know what the price is for each so you can compare. Most people decline full tort because they don’t understand the extent of the limitations on the limited tort option. Others feel forced to decline full tort because of the huge difference in price.

Our site can help you compare Harrisburg auto insurance quotes, as well as those for any other area in Pennsylvania. You’ll have the option to compare both full and limited tort options from a wide variety of carriers and, in the end, the choice to take the full tort option or decline it will be up to you.

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