Finding Online Quotes for Classic Car Insurance


Your classic car is your baby, we're sure. Most classic car owners put a lot of time, energy, and money into the restoration and preservation of their most prized possessions. The quality of the insurance coverage you have should match the effort you put into taking your car. Searching for classic car insurance online quotes will ensure you're able to identify the best options.

Before you can search for classic car insurance online quotes you should understand exactly how classic car insurance policies differ from standard policies.

Age Restrictions

Classic car insurance companies tend to place age restrictions on the drivers they will insure. They want to insure only the most mature, responsible drivers and in many cases will not accept a driver under the age of 25.

Primary Vehicles & Mileage

If you're searching for coverage for a classic car your insurance agent will want to know if you have a primary vehicle to drive on a regular basis. This is because most classic car insurance companies have an annual mileage limitation you cannot exceed and they want to know that you are not driving your prized classic vehicle more often than is absolutely necessary. The more your classic car is on the road the higher the odds of it being involved in an accident.

Vehicle Storage

When you start looking for classic car insurance online quotes you'll find that most of the companies will want to know where you store your vehicle. Most classic car insurance companies will require you to keep your vehicle in a covered garage or carport. Simply throwing a canvas cover over your classic car isn't enough to really protect it from the elements – or from theft.

Vehicle Valuation

Most standard insurance companies will rate your vehicle based on the value listed in the Kelly Blue Book. Classic car insurers understand that you put a lot of time and money into enhancing your vehicle and will usually list an agreed value, or a value you mutually agree upon, on your policy. This ensures you'll receive reimbursement not for the book value of the car but for its enhanced value.

Finding classic car insurance online quotes isn't difficult. Gather your personal information, the details about your vehicle, and the coverage options you currently have and then use our site to request quotes from several carriers. We guarantee you'll find the best options available – for the right price!

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